Tuesday, 17 May 2016

learn how to chemistry - sugar crystals

hi it's me the duck.
yes i am alive.
yes i changed my font.
today we're gonna learn how to chemistry.
what are we going to do today?
well, you will be pleased.
i will teach you how to make some cool(ish) sugar crystals with very simple household ingredients.
you will need sugar (a lot, about 3 cups) water (not as much, around 1.25 cups) and a stove (the whole thing.)

first thing you want to do is simmer the water, and slowly add sugar until it has all dissolved. if it's not dissolving, then you can try to increase the heat and stir a bit more. 

the liquid should be pretty thick and sweet. if not, add some more sugar. (mine turned out a shade of yellow.)

once you're done, cool it and put it into somewhere you can use a spoon or fork to scrape the crystals off of, and then, you can wait. 

if it's not growing after 2 weeks, then just wait some more. mine took a month to start, but i added too much water. the maximum amount of time to wait is one month and a half, but yours shouldn't do that if you followed my instructions.

soon, crystals should start to grow. if the thing you put the liquid in was clean, then you can eat the crystals.


(PS tell me in the comments if it worked)

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