Thursday, 7 July 2016

how to become a cat

so hey guys

i took another 2 week break

right after i took a month break


im sorry

i will attempt to no longer offend you in such ways


today i found something

very amazing

its called the licki brush

let me just put some pictures up

ok so you get the point already

its pretty much a tounge you put on

to lick your cat

how majestic

lets just read this article by The Telegraph, written by Helena Horton regarding the licki brush:

"Ever wished you could lick your cat without getting a mouth full of fur? Probably not. This new device takes being a cat person a little bit too far. Licki Brush is a mechanical brush which attaches to your mouth, so you can groom your cat. The bizarre device was invented by PDX Pet Design. The company has manufactured pet products in the past, including Shru, an intelligent toy for your cat. They say on their website: "Either you or a good friend needs this and you know it. Sign up and be the first to Get a LICKI." Their tagline is "Lickibrush. Lick your cat". This doesn't actually appear to be a joke. It could be a marketing stunt, perhaps, but they have a websitepromising a kickstarter. And the company seems legitimate - its products have been featured in Modern Cat magazine. If you are interested in this device, you can send them your email address and they will email you when the kickstarter is up and running. Can the company crowdfund its way to success? Knowing how obsessed so many people are with cats, it won't be surprising if this new product is very popular."



get it now

or i will bomb your doll house

k bye

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